- acne eruption
- угревая сыпь
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
acné — [ akne ] n. f. • 1816; pour achné, gr. akhnê « efflorescence » ♦ Lésion de la peau au niveau des follicules pilosébacés. Acné juvénile (ou acné vulgaire) :comédons enflammés apparaissant à la puberté. Acné rosacée. ⇒ couperose. Adj. ACNÉIQUE ,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Acne medicamentosa — (commonly referred to as drug induced acne) is acne that is caused or aggravated by medication.[1] Because acne is generally a disorder of the pilosebaceous units caused by hormones, the medications that trigger acne medicamentosa most frequently … Wikipedia
Acne aestivalis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 L56.4 ICD 9 692.72 … Wikipedia
ACNÉ JUVÉNILE — Sur une peau grasse, dite séborrhéique, l’acné juvénile, ou acné polymorphe, survient dans les deux sexes à la puberté. Le point de départ est le comédon. Les comédons noirs, mélange de kératine et de sébum, obstruent l’orifice des follicules… … Encyclopédie Universelle
acne urticata — acne ur·ti·ca·ta .ərt ə kāt ə n an acneform eruption of the skin characterized by itching papular wheals * * * a skin eruption characterized by edematous papular wheals resembling acne papules, usually on the trunk, upper arms, or neck, but… … Medical dictionary
éruption — [ erypsjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1355; lat. eruptio, de eruptus, supin de erumpere 1 ♦ Méd. Apparition de lésions cutanées, en général multiples; ces lésions. ⇒ efflorescence, énanthème, exanthème, poussée, rash. Éruption de furoncles, de boutons. Éruption… … Encyclopédie Universelle
acne — ► NOUN ▪ a skin condition marked by numerous red pimples on the face. ORIGIN Greek aknas, a misreading of akmas, a plural of akm highest point, peak, or facial eruption ; compare with ACME(Cf. ↑acme) … English terms dictionary
acne — [ak′nē] n. [ModL < Gr aknas, misreading of akmas, acc. pl. of akmē, facial eruption, point: see ACME] a common, chronic skin disease, esp. among adolescents and young adults, characterized by inflammation of the sebaceous apparatus, usually… … English World dictionary
Acne vulgaris — This article is about a skin disease commonly found during adolescence. For other acneform skin diseases, see Acne (disambiguation). Acne vulgaris Classification and external resources … Wikipedia
Acne — Localized skin inflammation as a result of overactivity of the oil glands at the base of hair follicles. Acne happens when oil (sebaceous) glands come to life around puberty, when these glands are stimulated by male hormones that are produced in… … Medical dictionary
Acné — Ne pas confondre avec la chloracné qui correspond à des manifestations cutanées après intoxication par des produits chimiques chlorés comme les dioxines. Acné Classification et ressources externes … Wikipédia en Français